&$display, 'finish' => $finish, 'destination' => $destination, 'allowed_layouts' => $allowed_layouts, 're_render' => FALSE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, ); $change_form_state = $form_state; $change_form = FALSE; // Examine $_POST to see which form they're currently using. if (empty($_POST) || empty($_POST['form_id']) || $_POST['form_id'] != 'panels_change_layout') { $output = drupal_build_form('panels_choose_layout', $form_state); if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) { // upon submission go to next form. $change_form_state['layout'] = $_SESSION['layout'][$display->did] = $form_state['layout']; $change_form = TRUE; } } else { $change_form_state['layout'] = $_SESSION['layout'][$display->did]; $change_form = TRUE; } if ($change_form) { $output = drupal_build_form('panels_change_layout', $change_form_state); if (!empty($change_form_state['executed'])) { if (isset($change_form_state['back'])) { unset($_POST); return _panels_edit_layout($display, $finish, $destination, $allowed_layouts); } if (!empty($change_form_state['clicked_button']['#save-display'])) { drupal_set_message(t('Panel layout has been updated.')); panels_save_display($display); } if ($destination) { return panels_goto($destination); } return $change_form_state['display']; } } return $output; } /** * Form definition for the display layout editor. * * @ingroup forms */ function panels_choose_layout($form, &$form_state) { $display = &$form_state['display']; ctools_include('common', 'panels'); ctools_include('cleanstring'); $layouts = panels_common_get_allowed_layouts($form_state['allowed_layouts']); $categories = array(); $current = ''; foreach ($layouts as $id => $layout) { $category = ctools_cleanstring($layout['category']); // Default category to first in case layout doesn't exist or there isn't one. if (empty($current)) { $current = $category; } $categories[$category] = $layout['category']; $options[$category][$id] = panels_print_layout_icon($id, $layout, check_plain($layout['title'])); // Set current category to what is chosen. if ($id == $display->layout) { $current = $category; } } ctools_add_js('layout', 'panels'); $form['categories'] = array( '#title' => t('Category'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $categories, '#default_value' => $current, ); $form['layout'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); // We set up the dependencies manually because these aren't really form // items. It's possible there's a simpler way to do this, but I could not // think of one at the time. $dependencies = array(); foreach ($options as $category => $radios) { $dependencies['panels-layout-category-' . $category] = array( 'values' => array('edit-categories' => array($category)), 'num' => 1, 'type' => 'hide', ); $form['layout'][$category] = array( '#prefix' => '
' . $categories[$category] . '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); foreach ($radios as $key => $choice) { // Set the first available layout as default value. if (empty($display->layout)) { $display->layout = $key; } // Generate the parents as the autogenerator does, so we will have a // unique id for each radio button. $form['layout'][$category][$key] = array( '#type' => 'radio', '#title' => $choice, '#parents' => array('layout'), '#id' => drupal_clean_css_identifier('edit-layout-' . $key), '#return_value' => check_plain($key), '#default_value' => in_array($display->layout, array_keys($layouts)) ? $display->layout : NULL, ); } } ctools_add_js('dependent'); $js['CTools']['dependent'] = $dependencies; drupal_add_js($js, 'setting'); if (empty($form_state['no buttons'])) { $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Next'), ); } return $form; } /** * Handle form submission of the display layout editor. */ function panels_choose_layout_submit($form, &$form_state) { $form_state['layout'] = $form_state['values']['layout']; } /** * Form definition for the display layout converter. * * This form is only triggered if the user attempts to change the layout * for a display that has already had content assigned to it. It allows * the user to select where the panes located in to-be-deleted panels should * be relocated to. * * @ingroup forms * * @param array $form * A structured FAPI $form array. * @param &$form_state * The Drupal $form_state */ function panels_change_layout($form, &$form_state) { // Provide a temporary display and renderer. $form_state['layout_display'] = $display = panels_new_display(); if (isset($form_state['cache_key'])) { $display->cache_key = $form_state['cache_key']; } $new_layout = panels_get_layout($form_state['layout']); $new_layout_regions = panels_get_regions($new_layout, $display); $old_layout = panels_get_layout($form_state['display']->layout); $old_layout_regions = panels_get_regions($old_layout, $form_state['display']); $display->layout = $form_state['layout']; $renderer = panels_get_renderer_handler('editor', $display); $renderer->meta_location = 'inline'; ctools_add_css('panels_admin', 'panels'); ctools_add_css('panels_dnd', 'panels'); ctools_add_css('dropdown'); // For every region that had content in the old layout, create a custom pane // in the new layout that represents that region. $keys = array_keys($new_layout_regions); $default_region = reset($keys); foreach ($old_layout_regions as $region_id => $region_name) { if (!empty($form_state['display']->panels[$region_id])) { $pane = panels_new_pane('custom', 'custom', TRUE); $pane->pid = $region_id; $pane->configuration['title'] = t('Panes'); $pane->configuration['admin_title'] = $region_name; // Get a list of pane titles used. $titles = array(); foreach ($form_state['display']->panels[$region_id] as $pid) { $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($form_state['display']->content[$pid]->type); $titles[$pid] = ctools_content_admin_title($content_type, $form_state['display']->content[$pid]->subtype, $form_state['display']->content[$pid]->configuration, $form_state['display']->context); } $pane->configuration['body'] = ''; // If the region id matches, make it the same; otherwise, put it // in the default region. $pane->panel = empty($new_layout_regions[$region_id]) ? $default_region : $region_id; // Add the pane to the approprate spots. $display->content[$pane->pid] = $pane; $display->panels[$pane->panel][] = $pane->pid; } } $form['container'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); $form['container']['old_layout'] = array( '#markup' => panels_print_layout_icon($form_state['display']->layout, $old_layout, check_plain($old_layout['title'])), ); $form['container']['right_arrow'] = array( '#markup' => theme('image', array('path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'panels') . '/images/go-right.png')), ); $form['container']['new_layout'] = array( '#markup' => panels_print_layout_icon($form_state['layout'], $new_layout, check_plain($new_layout['title'])), ); $edit_form_state = array( 'display' => $display, 'renderer' => $renderer, 'no buttons' => TRUE, 'no preview' => TRUE, 'no display settings' => TRUE, 'display_title' => '', ); ctools_include('display-edit', 'panels'); $form = panels_edit_display_form($form, $edit_form_state); if (empty($form_state['no buttons'])) { $form['back'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Back'), '#submit' => array('panels_choose_layout_back'), ); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $form_state['finish'], '#submit' => array('panels_change_layout_submit'), '#save-display' => TRUE, ); } return $form; } /** * Handle submission of the change layout form. * * This submit handler will move panes around and save the display. */ function panels_change_layout_submit($form, &$form_state) { $display = $form_state['display']; $layout_display = $form_state['layout_display']; $switch = array(); // Calculate the pids submitted by the display and make a list of // translation to the regions. Remember the 'pid' of the pane // is the region id in the old layout. if (!empty($form_state['values']['panel']['pane'])) { foreach ($form_state['values']['panel']['pane'] as $region_id => $panes) { if ($panes) { $pids = explode(',', $panes); // need to filter the array, b/c passing it in a hidden field can generate trash foreach (array_filter($pids) as $pid) { $switch[$pid] = $region_id; } } } } $content = array(); foreach ($switch as $region_id => $new_region_id) { if (isset($display->panels[$region_id])) { if (!isset($content[$new_region_id])) { $content[$new_region_id] = array(); } $content[$new_region_id] = array_merge($content[$new_region_id], $display->panels[$region_id]); } } // Go through each pane and make sure its region id is correct. foreach ($content as $region_id => $region) { foreach ($region as $pid) { $display->content[$pid]->panel = $region_id; } } $display->panels = $content; $display->layout = $form_state['layout']; } /** * Handle submission of the change layout form. * * This submit handler sets a flag on the form state, which is then used * by the calling wrapper to restart the process. */ function panels_choose_layout_back($form, &$form_state) { $form_state['back'] = TRUE; }