array( 'title' => t('Use Page Manager'), 'description' => t("Allows users to use most of Page Manager's features, though restricts some of the most powerful, potentially site-damaging features. Note that even the reduced featureset still allows for enormous control over your website."), 'restrict access' => TRUE, ), 'administer page manager' => array( 'title' => t('Administer Page Manager'), 'description' => t('Allows complete control over Page Manager, i.e., complete control over your site. Grant with extreme caution.'), 'restrict access' => TRUE, ), ); } /** * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory() to let the system know * where our task and task_handler plugins are. */ function page_manager_ctools_plugin_directory($owner, $plugin_type) { if ($owner == 'page_manager') { return 'plugins/' . $plugin_type; } if ($owner == 'ctools' && $plugin_type == 'cache') { return 'plugins/' . $plugin_type; } } /** * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type() to inform the plugin system that Page * Manager owns task, task_handler, and page_wizard plugin types. * * All of these are empty because the defaults all work. */ function page_manager_ctools_plugin_type() { return array( 'tasks' => array(), 'task_handlers' => array(), 'page_wizards' => array(), ); } /** * Delegated implementation of hook_menu(). */ function page_manager_menu() { // For some reason, some things can activate modules without satisfying // dependencies. I don't know how, but this helps prevent things from // whitescreening when this happens. if (!module_exists('ctools')) { return; } $items = array(); $base = array( 'access arguments' => array('use page manager'), 'file' => '', 'theme callback' => 'ajax_base_page_theme', ); $items['admin/structure/pages'] = array( 'title' => 'Pages', 'description' => 'Add, edit and remove overridden system pages and user defined pages from the system.', 'page callback' => 'page_manager_list_page', ) + $base; $items['admin/structure/pages/list'] = array( 'title' => 'List', 'page callback' => 'page_manager_list_page', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => -10, ) + $base; $items['admin/structure/pages/edit/%page_manager_cache'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit', 'page callback' => 'page_manager_edit_page', 'page arguments' => array(4), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ) + $base; $items['admin/structure/pages/%ctools_js/operation/%page_manager_cache'] = array( 'page callback' => 'page_manager_edit_page_operation', 'page arguments' => array(3, 5), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ) + $base; $items['admin/structure/pages/%ctools_js/enable/%page_manager_cache'] = array( 'page callback' => 'page_manager_enable_page', 'page arguments' => array(FALSE, 3, 5), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ) + $base; $items['admin/structure/pages/%ctools_js/disable/%page_manager_cache'] = array( 'page callback' => 'page_manager_enable_page', 'page arguments' => array(TRUE, 3, 5), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ) + $base; $tasks = page_manager_get_tasks(); // Provide menu items for each task. foreach ($tasks as $task_id => $task) { // Allow the task to add its own menu items. if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($task, 'hook menu')) { $function($items, $task); } // And for those that provide subtasks, provide menu items for them, as well. foreach (page_manager_get_task_subtasks($task) as $subtask_id => $subtask) { // Allow the task to add its own menu items. if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($task, 'hook menu')) { $function($items, $subtask); } } } return $items; } function page_manager_admin_paths() { /* @todo FIX ME this is a major resource suck. */ return; $items = array(); ctools_include('page', 'page_manager', 'plugins/tasks'); $pages = page_manager_page_load_all(); foreach ($pages as $page) { // Make sure the page we're on is set to be an administrative path and that // it is not set to be a frontpage path. if ((isset($page->conf['admin_paths']) && $page->conf['admin_paths']) && (!isset($page->make_frontpage) || !$page->make_frontpage)) { $path_parts = explode('/', $page->path); foreach ($path_parts as $key => $part) { if (strpos($part, '%') !== FALSE || strpos($part, '!') !== FALSE) { $path_parts[$key] = '*'; } } $path = implode('/', $path_parts); if ($page->menu['type'] == 'default tab') { array_pop($path_parts); $parent_path = implode('/', $path_parts); $items[$parent_path] = TRUE; } $items[$path] = TRUE; } } return $items; } /** * Implements hook_menu_alter. * * Get a list of all tasks and delegate to them. */ function page_manager_menu_alter(&$items) { // For some reason, some things can activate modules without satisfying // dependencies. I don't know how, but this helps prevent things from // whitescreening when this happens. if (!module_exists('ctools')) { return; } $tasks = page_manager_get_tasks(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($task, 'hook menu alter')) { $function($items, $task); } // let the subtasks alter the menu items too. foreach (page_manager_get_task_subtasks($task) as $subtask_id => $subtask) { if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($subtask, 'hook menu alter')) { $function($items, $subtask); } } } return $items; } /* * Implements hook_theme() */ function page_manager_theme() { // For some reason, some things can activate modules without satisfying // dependencies. I don't know how, but this helps prevent things from // whitescreening when this happens. if (!module_exists('ctools')) { return; } $base = array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'page_manager') . '/theme', 'file' => '', ); $items = array( 'page_manager_handler_rearrange' => array( 'render element' => 'form', ) + $base, 'page_manager_edit_page' => array( 'template' => 'page-manager-edit-page', 'variables' => array('page' => NULL, 'save' => NULL, 'operations' => array(), 'content' => array()), ) + $base, 'page_manager_lock' => array( 'variables' => array('page' => array()), ) + $base, 'page_manager_changed' => array( 'variables' => array('text' => NULL, 'description' => NULL), ) + $base, ); // Allow task plugins to have theme registrations by passing through: $tasks = page_manager_get_tasks(); // Provide menu items for each task. foreach ($tasks as $task_id => $task) { if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($task, 'hook theme')) { $function($items, $task); } } return $items; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Page caching // // The page cache is used to store a page temporarily, using the ctools object // cache. When loading from the page cache, it will either load the cached // version, or if there is not one, load the real thing and create a cache // object which can then be easily stored. /** * Get the cached changes to a given task handler. */ function page_manager_get_page_cache($task_name) { $caches = drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); if (!isset($caches[$task_name])) { ctools_include('object-cache'); $cache = ctools_object_cache_get('page_manager_page', $task_name); if (!$cache) { $cache = new stdClass(); $cache->task_name = $task_name; list($cache->task_id, $cache->subtask_id) = page_manager_get_task_id($cache->task_name); $cache->task = page_manager_get_task($cache->task_id); if (empty($cache->task)) { return FALSE; } if ($cache->subtask_id) { $cache->subtask = page_manager_get_task_subtask($cache->task, $cache->subtask_id); if (empty($cache->subtask)) { return FALSE; } } else { $cache->subtask = $cache->task; $cache->subtask['name'] = ''; } $cache->handlers = page_manager_load_sorted_handlers($cache->task, $cache->subtask_id); $cache->handler_info = array(); foreach ($cache->handlers as $id => $handler) { $cache->handler_info[$id] = array( 'weight' => $handler->weight, 'changed' => FALSE, 'name' => $id, ); } } else { // ensure the task is loaded. page_manager_get_task($cache->task_id); } if ($task_name != '::new') { $cache->locked = ctools_object_cache_test('page_manager_page', $task_name); } else { $cache->locked = FALSE; } $caches[$task_name] = $cache; } return $caches[$task_name]; } /** * Store changes to a task handler in the object cache. */ function page_manager_set_page_cache($page) { if (!empty($page->locked)) { return; } if (empty($page->task_name)) { return; } ctools_include('object-cache'); $page->changed = TRUE; $cache = ctools_object_cache_set('page_manager_page', $page->task_name, $page); } /** * Remove an item from the object cache. */ function page_manager_clear_page_cache($name) { ctools_include('object-cache'); ctools_object_cache_clear('page_manager_page', $name); } /** * Write all changes from the page cache and clear it out. */ function page_manager_save_page_cache($cache) { // Save the subtask: if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($cache->task, 'save subtask callback')) { $function($cache->subtask, $cache); } // Iterate through handlers and save/delete/update as necessary. // Go through each of the task handlers, check to see if it needs updating, // and update it if so. foreach ($cache->handler_info as $id => $info) { $handler = &$cache->handlers[$id]; // If it has been marked for deletion, delete it. if ($info['changed'] & PAGE_MANAGER_CHANGED_DELETED) { page_manager_delete_task_handler($handler); } // If it has been somehow edited (or added), write the cached version elseif ($info['changed'] & PAGE_MANAGER_CHANGED_CACHED) { // Make sure we get updated weight from the form for this. $handler->weight = $info['weight']; page_manager_save_task_handler($handler); } // Otherwise, check to see if it has moved and, if so, update the weight. elseif ($info['weight'] != $handler->weight) { // Theoretically we could only do this for in code objects, but since our // load mechanism checks for all, this is less database work. page_manager_update_task_handler_weight($handler, $info['weight']); } // Set enable/disabled status. if ($info['changed'] & PAGE_MANAGER_CHANGED_STATUS) { ctools_include('export'); ctools_export_set_object_status($cache->handlers[$id], $info['disabled']); } } page_manager_clear_page_cache($cache->task_name); if (!empty($cache->path_changed) || !empty($cache->new)) { // Force a menu rebuild to make sure the menu entries are set. menu_rebuild(); } cache_clear_all(); } /** * Menu callback to load a page manager cache object for menu callbacks. */ function page_manager_cache_load($task_name) { // load context plugin as there may be contexts cached here. ctools_include('context'); return page_manager_get_page_cache($task_name); } /** * Generate a unique name for a task handler. * * Task handlers need to be named but they aren't allowed to set their own * names. Instead, they are named based upon their parent task and type. */ function page_manager_handler_get_name($task_name, $handlers, $handler) { $base = str_replace('-', '_', $task_name); // Generate a unique name. Unlike most named objects, we don't let people choose // names for task handlers because they mostly don't make sense. $base .= '_' . $handler->handler; // Once we have a base, check to see if it is used. If it is, start counting up. $name = $base; $count = 1; // If taken while (isset($handlers[$name])) { $name = $base . '_' . ++$count; } return $name; } /** * Import a handler into a page. * * This is used by both import and clone, since clone just exports the * handler and immediately imports it. */ function page_manager_handler_add_to_page(&$page, &$handler, $title = NULL) { $last = end($page->handler_info); $handler->weight = $last ? $last['weight'] + 1 : 0; $handler->task = $page->task_id; $handler->subtask = $page->subtask_id; $handler->export_type = EXPORT_IN_DATABASE; $handler->type = t('Normal'); if ($title) { $handler->conf['title'] = $title; } $name = page_manager_handler_get_name($page->task_name, $page->handlers, $handler); $handler->name = $name; $page->handlers[$name] = $handler; $page->handler_info[$name] = array( 'weight' => $handler->weight, 'name' => $handler->name, 'changed' => PAGE_MANAGER_CHANGED_CACHED, ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Database routines // // This includes fetching plugins and plugin info as well as specialized // fetch methods to get groups of task handlers per task. /** * Load a single task handler by name. * * Handlers can come from multiple sources; either the database or by normal * export method, which is handled by the ctools library, but handlers can * also be bundled with task/subtask. We have to check there and perform * overrides as appropriate. * * Handlers bundled with the task are of a higher priority than default * handlers provided by normal code, and are of a lower priority than * the database, so we have to check the source of handlers when we have * multiple to choose from. */ function page_manager_load_task_handler($task, $subtask_id, $name) { ctools_include('export'); $result = ctools_export_load_object('page_manager_handlers', 'names', array($name)); $handlers = page_manager_get_default_task_handlers($task, $subtask_id); return page_manager_compare_task_handlers($result, $handlers, $name); } /** * Load all task handlers for a given task/subtask. */ function page_manager_load_task_handlers($task, $subtask_id = NULL, $default_handlers = NULL) { ctools_include('export'); $conditions = array( 'task' => $task['name'], ); if (isset($subtask_id)) { $conditions['subtask'] = $subtask_id; } $handlers = ctools_export_load_object('page_manager_handlers', 'conditions', $conditions); $defaults = isset($default_handlers) ? $default_handlers : page_manager_get_default_task_handlers($task, $subtask_id); foreach ($defaults as $name => $default) { $result = page_manager_compare_task_handlers($handlers, $defaults, $name); if ($result) { $handlers[$name] = $result; // Ensure task and subtask are correct, because it's easy to change task // names when editing a default and fail to do it on the associated handlers. $result->task = $task['name']; $result->subtask = $subtask_id; } } // Override weights from the weight table. if ($handlers) { $names = array(); $placeholders = array(); foreach ($handlers as $handler) { $names[] = $handler->name; $placeholders[] = "'%s'"; } $result = db_query('SELECT name, weight FROM {page_manager_weights} WHERE name IN (:names)', array(':names' => $names)); foreach ($result as $weight) { $handlers[$weight->name]->weight = $weight->weight; } } return $handlers; } /** * Get the default task handlers from a task, if they exist. * * Tasks can contain 'default' task handlers which are provided by the * default task. Because these can come from either the task or the * subtask, the logic is abstracted to reduce code duplication. */ function page_manager_get_default_task_handlers($task, $subtask_id) { // Load default handlers that are provied by the task/subtask itself. $handlers = array(); if ($subtask_id) { $subtask = page_manager_get_task_subtask($task, $subtask_id); if (isset($subtask['default handlers'])) { $handlers = $subtask['default handlers']; } } else if (isset($task['default handlers'])) { $handlers = $task['default handlers']; } return $handlers; } /** * Compare a single task handler from two lists and provide the correct one. * * Task handlers can be gotten from multiple sources. As exportable objects, * they can be provided by default hooks and the database. But also, because * they are tightly bound to tasks, they can also be provided by default * tasks. This function reconciles where to pick up a task handler between * the exportables list and the defaults provided by the task itself. * * @param $result * A list of handlers provided by * @param $handlers * A list of handlers provided by the default task. * @param $name * Which handler to compare. * @return * Which handler to use, if any. May be NULL. */ function page_manager_compare_task_handlers($result, $handlers, $name) { // Compare our special default handler against the actual result, if // any, and do the right thing. if (!isset($result[$name]) && isset($handlers[$name])) { $handlers[$name]->type = t('Default'); $handlers[$name]->export_type = EXPORT_IN_CODE; return $handlers[$name]; } else if (isset($result[$name]) && !isset($handlers[$name])) { return $result[$name]; } else if (isset($result[$name]) && isset($handlers[$name])) { if ($result[$name]->export_type & EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) { $result[$name]->type = t('Overridden'); $result[$name]->export_type = $result[$name]->export_type | EXPORT_IN_CODE; return $result[$name]; } else { // In this case, our default is a higher priority than the standard default. $handlers[$name]->type = t('Default'); $handlers[$name]->export_type = EXPORT_IN_CODE; return $handlers[$name]; } } } /** * Load all task handlers for a given task and subtask and sort them. */ function page_manager_load_sorted_handlers($task, $subtask_id = NULL, $enabled = FALSE) { $handlers = page_manager_load_task_handlers($task, $subtask_id); if ($enabled) { foreach ($handlers as $id => $handler) { if (!empty($handler->disabled)) { unset($handlers[$id]); } } } uasort($handlers, 'page_manager_sort_task_handlers'); return $handlers; } /** * Callback for uasort to sort task handlers. * * Task handlers are sorted by weight then by name. */ function page_manager_sort_task_handlers($a, $b) { if ($a->weight < $b->weight) { return -1; } elseif ($a->weight > $b->weight) { return 1; } elseif ($a->name < $b->name) { return -1; } elseif ($a->name > $b->name) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Write a task handler to the database. */ function page_manager_save_task_handler(&$handler) { $update = (isset($handler->did)) ? array('did') : array(); // Let the task handler respond to saves: if ($function = ctools_plugin_load_function('page_manager', 'task_handlers', $handler->handler, 'save')) { $function($handler, $update); } drupal_write_record('page_manager_handlers', $handler, $update); db_delete('page_manager_weights') ->condition('name', $handler->name) ->execute(); // If this was previously a default handler, we may have to write task handlers. if (!$update) { // @todo wtf was I going to do here? } return $handler; } /** * Remove a task handler. */ function page_manager_delete_task_handler($handler) { // Let the task handler respond to saves: if ($function = ctools_plugin_load_function('page_manager', 'task_handlers', $handler->handler, 'delete')) { $function($handler); } db_delete('page_manager_handlers') ->condition('name', $handler->name) ->execute(); db_delete('page_manager_weights') ->condition('name', $handler->name) ->execute(); } /** * Export a task handler into code suitable for import or use as a default * task handler. */ function page_manager_export_task_handler($handler, $indent = '') { ctools_include('export'); ctools_include('plugins'); $handler = clone $handler; $append = ''; if ($function = ctools_plugin_load_function('page_manager', 'task_handlers', $handler->handler, 'export')) { $append = $function($handler, $indent); } $output = ctools_export_object('page_manager_handlers', $handler, $indent); $output .= $append; return $output; } /** * Loads page manager handler for export. * * Callback to load page manager handler within ctools_export_crud_load(). * * @param string $name * The name of the handler to load. * * @return * Loaded page manager handler object, extended with external properties. */ function page_manager_export_task_handler_load($name) { $table = 'page_manager_handlers'; $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($table); $export = $schema['export']; $result = ctools_export_load_object($table, 'names', array($name)); if (isset($result[$name])) { $handler = $result[$name]; // Weight is stored in additional table so that in-code task handlers // don't need to get written to the database just because they have their // weight changed. Therefore, handler could have no correspondent database // entry. Revert will not be performed for this handler and the weight // will not be reverted. To make possible revert of the weight field // export_type must simulate that the handler is stored in the database. $handler->export_type = EXPORT_IN_DATABASE; // Also, page manager handler weight should be overriden with correspondent // weight from page_manager_weights table, if there is one. $result = db_query('SELECT weight FROM {page_manager_weights} WHERE name = (:names)', array(':names' => $handler->name))->fetchField(); if (is_numeric($result)) { $handler->weight = $result; } return $handler; } } /** * Create a new task handler object. * * @param $plugin * The plugin this task handler is created from. */ function page_manager_new_task_handler($plugin) { // Generate a unique name. Unlike most named objects, we don't let people choose // names for task handlers because they mostly don't make sense. // Create a new, empty handler object. $handler = new stdClass; $handler->title = $plugin['title']; $handler->task = NULL; $handler->subtask = NULL; $handler->name = NULL; $handler->handler = $plugin['name']; $handler->weight = 0; $handler->conf = array(); // These are provided by the core export API provided by ctools and we // set defaults here so that we don't cause notices. Perhaps ctools should // provide a way to do this for us so we don't have to muck with it. $handler->export_type = EXPORT_IN_DATABASE; $handler->type = t('Local'); if (isset($plugin['default conf'])) { if (is_array($plugin['default conf'])) { $handler->conf = $plugin['default conf']; } else if (function_exists($plugin['default conf'])) { $handler->conf = $plugin['default conf']($handler); } } return $handler; } /** * Set an overidden weight for a task handler. * * We do this so that in-code task handlers don't need to get written * to the database just because they have their weight changed. */ function page_manager_update_task_handler_weight($handler, $weight) { db_delete('page_manager_weights') ->condition('name', $handler->name) ->execute(); db_insert('page_manager_weights') ->fields(array( 'name' => $handler->name, 'weight' => $weight, )) ->execute(); } /** * Shortcut function to get task plugins. */ function page_manager_get_tasks() { ctools_include('plugins'); return ctools_get_plugins('page_manager', 'tasks'); } /** * Shortcut function to get a task plugin. */ function page_manager_get_task($id) { ctools_include('plugins'); return ctools_get_plugins('page_manager', 'tasks', $id); } /** * Get all tasks for a given type. */ function page_manager_get_tasks_by_type($type) { ctools_include('plugins'); $all_tasks = ctools_get_plugins('page_manager', 'tasks'); $tasks = array(); foreach ($all_tasks as $id => $task) { if (isset($task['task type']) && $task['task type'] == $type) { $tasks[$id] = $task; } } return $tasks; } /** * Fetch all subtasks for a page managertask. * * @param $task * A loaded $task plugin object. */ function page_manager_get_task_subtasks($task) { if (empty($task['subtasks'])) { return array(); } if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($task, 'subtasks callback')) { $retval = $function($task); if (is_array($retval)) { return $retval; } else { dsm($retval); } } return array(); } /** * Fetch all subtasks for a page managertask. * * @param $task * A loaded $task plugin object. * @param $subtask_id * The subtask ID to load. */ function page_manager_get_task_subtask($task, $subtask_id) { if (empty($task['subtasks'])) { return; } if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($task, 'subtask callback')) { return $function($task, $subtask_id); } } /** * Shortcut function to get task handler plugins. */ function page_manager_get_task_handlers() { ctools_include('plugins'); return ctools_get_plugins('page_manager', 'task_handlers'); } /** * Shortcut function to get a task handler plugin. */ function page_manager_get_task_handler($id) { ctools_include('plugins'); return ctools_get_plugins('page_manager', 'task_handlers', $id); } /** * Retrieve a list of all applicable task handlers for a given task. * * This looks at the $task['handler type'] and compares that to $task_handler['handler type']. * If the task has no type, the id of the task is used instead. */ function page_manager_get_task_handler_plugins($task, $all = FALSE) { $type = isset($task['handler type']) ? $task['handler type'] : $task['name']; $name = $task['name']; $handlers = array(); $task_handlers = page_manager_get_task_handlers(); foreach ($task_handlers as $id => $handler) { $task_type = is_array($handler['handler type']) ? $handler['handler type'] : array($handler['handler type']); if (in_array($type, $task_type) || in_array($name, $task_type)) { if ($all || !empty($handler['visible'])) { $handlers[$id] = $handler; } } } return $handlers; } /** * Get the title for a given handler. * * If the plugin has no 'admin title' function, the generic title of the * plugin is used instead. */ function page_manager_get_handler_title($plugin, $handler, $task, $subtask_id) { $function = ctools_plugin_get_function($plugin, 'admin title'); if ($function) { return $function($handler, $task, $subtask_id); } else { return $plugin['title']; } } /** * Get the admin summary (additional info) for a given handler. */ function page_manager_get_handler_summary($plugin, $handler, $page, $title = TRUE) { if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($plugin, 'admin summary')) { return $function($handler, $page->task, $page->subtask, $page, $title); } } /** * Get the admin summary (additional info) for a given page. */ function page_manager_get_page_summary($task, $subtask) { if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($subtask, 'admin summary')) { return $function($task, $subtask); } } /** * Split a task name into a task id and subtask id, if applicable. */ function page_manager_get_task_id($task_name) { if (strpos($task_name, '-') !== FALSE) { return explode('-', $task_name, 2); } else { return array($task_name, NULL); } } /** * Turn a task id + subtask_id into a task name. */ function page_manager_make_task_name($task_id, $subtask_id) { if ($subtask_id) { return $task_id . '-' . $subtask_id; } else { return $task_id; } } /** * Get the render function for a handler. */ function page_manager_get_renderer($handler) { return ctools_plugin_load_function('page_manager', 'task_handlers', $handler->handler, 'render'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions existing on behalf of tasks and task handlers /** * Page manager arg load function because menu system will not load extra * files for these; they must be in a .module. */ function pm_arg_load($value, $subtask, $argument) { page_manager_get_task('page'); return _pm_arg_load($value, $subtask, $argument); } /** * Special arg_load function to use %menu_tail like functionality to * get everything after the arg together as a single value. */ function pm_arg_tail_load($value, $subtask, $argument, $map) { $value = implode('/', array_slice($map, $argument)); page_manager_get_task('page'); return _pm_arg_load($value, $subtask, $argument); } /** * Special menu _load() function for the user:uid argument. * * This is just the normal page manager argument. It only exists so that * the to_arg can exist. */ function pm_uid_arg_load($value, $subtask, $argument) { page_manager_get_task('page'); return _pm_arg_load($value, $subtask, $argument); } /** * to_arg function for the user:uid argument to provide the arg for the * current global user. */ function pm_uid_arg_to_arg($arg) { return user_uid_optional_to_arg($arg); } /** * Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of task. * * Returns the cached access config and contexts used. */ function page_manager_page_ctools_access_get($argument) { $page = page_manager_get_page_cache($argument); $contexts = array(); // Load contexts based on argument data: if ($arguments = _page_manager_page_get_arguments($page->subtask['subtask'])) { $contexts = ctools_context_get_placeholders_from_argument($arguments); } return array($page->subtask['subtask']->access, $contexts); } /** * Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of task. * * Writes the changed access to the cache. */ function page_manager_page_ctools_access_set($argument, $access) { $page = page_manager_get_page_cache($argument); $page->subtask['subtask']->access = $access; page_manager_set_page_cache($page); } /** * Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of context task handler. * * Returns the cached access config and contexts used. */ function page_manager_task_handler_ctools_access_get($argument) { list($task_name, $name) = explode('*', $argument); $page = page_manager_get_page_cache($task_name); if (empty($name)) { $handler = &$page->new_handler; } else { $handler = &$page->handlers[$name]; } if (!isset($handler->conf['access'])) { $handler->conf['access'] = array(); } ctools_include('context-task-handler'); $contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_all_contexts($page->task, $page->subtask, $handler); return array($handler->conf['access'], $contexts); } /** * Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of context task handler. * * Writes the changed access to the cache. */ function page_manager_task_handler_ctools_access_set($argument, $access) { list($task_name, $name) = explode('*', $argument); $page = page_manager_get_page_cache($task_name); if (empty($name)) { $handler = &$page->new_handler; } else { $handler = &$page->handlers[$name]; } $handler->conf['access'] = $access; page_manager_set_page_cache($page); } /** * Form a URL to edit a given page given the trail. */ function page_manager_edit_url($task_name, $trail = array()) { if (!is_array($trail)) { $trail = array($trail); } if (empty($trail) || $trail == array('summary')) { return "admin/structure/pages/edit/$task_name"; } return 'admin/structure/pages/nojs/operation/' . $task_name . '/' . implode('/', $trail); } /** * Watch menu links during the menu rebuild, and re-parent things if we need to. */ function page_manager_menu_link_alter(&$item) { return; /** -- disabled, concept code -- static $mlids = array(); // Keep an array of mlids as links are saved that we can use later. if (isset($item['mlid'])) { $mlids[$item['path']] = $item['mlid']; } if (isset($item['parent_path'])) { if (isset($mlids[$item['parent_path']])) { $item['plid'] = $mlids[$item['parent_path']]; } else { // Since we didn't already see an mlid, let's check the database for one. $mlid = db_query('SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE router_path = :path', array('path' => $item['parent_path']))->fetchField(); if ($mlid) { $item['plid'] = $mlid; } } } */ } /** * Callback to list handlers available for export. */ function page_manager_page_manager_handlers_list() { $list = $types = array(); $tasks = page_manager_get_tasks(); foreach ($tasks as $type => $info) { if (empty($info['non-exportable'])) { $types[] = $type; } } $handlers = ctools_export_load_object('page_manager_handlers'); foreach ($handlers as $handler) { if (in_array($handler->task, $types)) { $plugin = page_manager_get_task_handler($handler->handler); $title = page_manager_get_handler_title($plugin, $handler, $tasks[$handler->task], $handler->subtask); if ($title) { $list[$handler->name] = check_plain("$handler->task: $title ($handler->name)"); } else { $list[$handler->name] = check_plain("$handler->task: ($handler->name)"); } } } return $list; } /** * Callback to bulk export page manager pages. */ function page_manager_page_manager_pages_to_hook_code($names = array(), $name = 'foo') { $schema = ctools_export_get_schema('page_manager_pages'); $export = $schema['export']; $objects = ctools_export_load_object('page_manager_pages', 'names', array_values($names)); if ($objects) { $code = "/**\n"; $code .= " * Implements hook_{$export['default hook']}()\n"; $code .= " */\n"; $code .= "function " . $name . "_{$export['default hook']}() {\n"; foreach ($objects as $object) { // Have to implement our own because this export func sig requires it $code .= $export['export callback']($object, TRUE, ' '); $code .= " \${$export['identifier']}s['" . check_plain($object->$export['key']) . "'] = \${$export['identifier']};\n\n"; } $code .= " return \${$export['identifier']}s;\n"; $code .= "}\n"; return $code; } } /** * Get the current page information. * * @return $page * An array containing the following information. * * - 'name': The name of the page as used in the page manager admin UI. * - 'task': The plugin for the task in use. If this is a system page it * will contain information about that page, such as what functions * it uses. * - 'subtask': The plugin for the subtask. If this is a custom page, this * will contain information about that custom page. See 'subtask' in this * array to get the actual page object. * - 'handler': The actual handler object used. If using panels, see * $page['handler']->conf['display'] for the actual panels display * used to render. * - 'contexts': The context objects used to render this page. * - 'arguments': The raw arguments from the URL used on this page. */ function page_manager_get_current_page($page = NULL) { static $current = array(); if (isset($page)) { $current = $page; } return $current; } /** * Implementation of hook_panels_dashboard_blocks(). * * Adds page information to the Panels dashboard. */ function page_manager_panels_dashboard_blocks(&$vars) { $vars['links']['page_manager'] = array( 'weight' => -100, 'title' => l(t('Panel page'), 'admin/structure/pages/add'), 'description' => t('Panel pages can be used as landing pages. They have a URL path, accept arguments and can have menu entries.'), ); module_load_include('inc', 'page_manager', 'page_manager.admin'); $tasks = page_manager_get_tasks_by_type('page'); $pages = array('operations' => array()); page_manager_get_pages($tasks, $pages); $count = 0; $rows = array(); foreach ($pages['rows'] as $id => $info) { $rows[] = array( 'data' => array( $info['data']['title'], $info['data']['operations'], ), 'class' => $info['class'], ); // Only show 10. if (++$count >= 10) { break; } } $vars['blocks']['page_manager'] = array( 'weight' => -100, 'title' => t('Manage pages'), 'link' => l(t('Go to list'), 'admin/structure/pages'), 'content' => theme('table', array('header' => array(), 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'panels-manage'))), 'class' => 'dashboard-pages', 'section' => 'right', ); } /** * Implement pseudo-hook to fetch addressable content. * * For Page Manager, the address will be an array. The first * element will be the $task and the second element will be the * $task_handler. The third elements will be the arguments * provided. */ function page_manager_addressable_content($address, $type) { if (count($address) < 3) { return; } $task_name = array_shift($address); $subtask_name = array_shift($address); $handler_name = array_shift($address); if ($address) { $arguments = array_shift($address); } // Since $arguments is an array of arbitrary size, we need to implode it: if (!empty($arguments)) { // The only choices we have for separators since :: is already // used involve ., - or _. Since - and _ are more common than . // in URLs, let's try .. as an argument separator. $arguments = explode('..', $arguments); } else { // implode does not return an empty array on an empty // string so do it specifically. $arguments = array(); } $task = page_manager_get_task($task_name); if (!$task) { return; } $handler = page_manager_load_task_handler($task, $subtask_name, $handler_name); if (!$handler) { return; } $handler_plugin = page_manager_get_task_handler($handler->handler); if (!$handler_plugin) { return; } // Load the contexts for the task. ctools_include('context'); ctools_include('context-task-handler'); $contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_task_contexts($task, $subtask_name, $arguments); // With contexts loaded, ensure the task is accessible. Tasks without a callback // are automatically accessible. $function = ctools_plugin_get_function($task, 'access callback'); if ($function && !$function($task, $subtask_name, $contexts)) { return; } $function = ctools_plugin_get_function($handler_plugin, 'addressable callback'); if ($function) { return $function($task, $subtask_name, $handler, $address, $contexts, $arguments, $type); } }