getDirectoryPath(); $expire = time() - variable_get('backup_migrate_cleanup_time', 21600); if (file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir) && is_readable($dir) && $handle = opendir($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($file = @readdir($handle))) { // Delete 'backup_migrate_' files in the temp directory that are older than the expire time. // We should only attempt to delete writable files to prevent errors in shared environments. // This could still cause issues in shared environments with poorly configured file permissions. if (strpos($file, 'backup_migrate_') === 0 && is_writable("$dir/$file") && @filectime("$dir/$file") < $expire) { unlink("$dir/$file"); } } closedir($handle); } } /** * Return a list of backup filetypes. */ function _backup_migrate_filetypes() { backup_migrate_include('filters'); $out = backup_migrate_filters_file_types(); foreach ($out as $key => $info) { $out[$key]['id'] = empty($info['id']) ? $key : $info['id']; } return $out; } /** * Adjust the length of a filename to allow for a string to be appended, * staying within the maximum filename limit. */ function _backup_migrate_filename_append_prepare($filename, $append_str) { $max_name_len = BACKUP_MIGRATE_FILENAME_MAXLENGTH - drupal_strlen($append_str); if (drupal_strlen($filename) > $max_name_len) { $filename = drupal_substr($filename, 0, $max_name_len); } return $filename; } /** * Construct a filename using token and some cleaning. */ function _backup_migrate_construct_filename($filename, $timestamp='') { if (module_exists('token')) { $filename = token_replace($filename); } $filename = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]/", "", $filename); $filename = _backup_migrate_filename_append_prepare($filename, $timestamp); $filename .= '-' . $timestamp; $filename = trim($filename, '-'); if (drupal_strlen($filename) == 0) { $filename = 'untitled'; } return $filename; } /** * Construct a default filename using the site's name. */ function _backup_migrate_default_filename() { if (module_exists('token')) { return '[site:name]'; } else { // Cleaning the string isn't strictly necessary but it looks better in the settings field. return variable_get('site_name', 'backup_migrate'); } } /** * An output buffer callback which simply throws away the buffer instead of sending it to the browser. */ function _backup_migrate_file_dispose_buffer($buffer) { return ""; } /** * A backup file which allows for saving to and reading from the server. */ class backup_file { var $file_info = array(); var $type = array(); var $ext = array(); var $path = ""; var $name = ""; var $handle = NULL; /** * Construct a file object given a file path, or create a temp file for writing. */ function backup_file($params = array()) { if (isset($params['filepath']) && file_exists($params['filepath'])) { $this->set_filepath($params['filepath']); } else { $this->set_file_info($params); $this->temporary_file(); } } /** * Get the file_id if the file has been saved to a destination. */ function file_id() { // The default file_id is the filename. Destinations can override the file_id if needed. return isset($this->file_info['file_id']) ? $this->file_info['file_id'] : $this->filename(); } /** * Get the current filepath. */ function filepath() { return drupal_realpath($this->path); } /** * Get the final filename. */ function filename($name = NULL) { if ($name) { $this->name = $name; } return $this->name .'.'. $this->extension(); } /** * Set the current filepath. */ function set_filepath($path) { $this->path = $path; $params = array( 'filename' => basename($path), ); if (file_exists($path)) { $params['filesize'] = filesize($path); $params['filetime'] = filectime($path); } $this->set_file_info($params); } /** * Get one or all pieces of info for the file. */ function info($key = NULL) { if ($key) { return @$this->file_info[$key]; } return $this->file_info; } /** * Get the file extension. */ function extension() { return implode(".", $this->ext); } /** * Get the file type. */ function type() { return $this->type; } /** * Get the file mimetype. */ function mimetype() { return @$this->type['filemime'] ? $this->type['filemime'] : 'application/octet-stream'; } /** * Get the file mimetype. */ function type_id() { return @$this->type['id']; } /** * Can this file be used to backup to. */ function can_backup() { return @$this->type['backup']; } /** * Can this file be used to restore to. */ function can_restore() { return @$this->type['restore']; } /** * Can this file be used to restore to. */ function is_recognized_type() { return @$this->type['restore'] || @$this->type['backup']; } /** * Open a file for reading or writing. */ function open($write = FALSE, $binary = FALSE) { if (!$this->handle) { $path = $this->filepath(); // Check if the file can be read/written. if ($write && ((file_exists($path) && !is_writable($path)) || !is_writable(dirname($path)))) { _backup_migrate_message('The file %path cannot be written to.', array('%path' => $path), 'error'); return FALSE; } if (!$write && !is_readable($path)) { _backup_migrate_message('The file %path cannot be read.', array('%path' => $path), 'error'); return FALSE; } // Open the file. $mode = ($write ? "w" : "r") . ($binary ? "b" : ""); $this->handle = fopen($path, $mode); return $this->handle; } return NULL; } /** * Close a file when we're done reading/writing. */ function close() { fclose($this->handle); $this->handle = NULL; } /** * Write a line to the file. */ function write($data) { if (!$this->handle) { $this->handle = $this->open(TRUE); } if ($this->handle) { fwrite($this->handle, $data); } } /** * Read a line from the file. */ function read($size = NULL) { if (!$this->handle) { $this->handle = $this->open(); } if ($this->handle && !feof($this->handle)) { return $size ? fread($this->handle, $size) : fgets($this->handle); } return NULL; } /** * Write data to the file. */ function put_contents($data) { file_put_contents($this->filepath(), $data); } /** * Read data from the file. */ function get_contents() { return file_get_contents($this->filepath()); } /** * Transfer file using http to client. Similar to the built in file_transfer, * but it calls module_invoke_all('exit') so that temp files can be deleted. */ function transfer() { $headers = array( array('key' => 'Content-Type', 'value' => $this->mimetype()), array('key' => 'Content-Disposition', 'value' => 'attachment; filename="'. $this->filename() .'"'), ); if ($size = $this->info('filesize')) { $headers[] = array('key' => 'Content-Length', 'value' => $size); } // Suppress the warning you get when the buffer is empty. @ob_end_clean(); if ($this->open(FALSE, TRUE)) { foreach ($headers as $header) { // To prevent HTTP header injection, we delete new lines that are // not followed by a space or a tab. // See $header['value'] = preg_replace('/\r?\n(?!\t| )/', '', $header['value']); drupal_add_http_header($header['key'], $header['value']); } // Transfer file in 1024 byte chunks to save memory usage. while ($data = $this->read(1024)) { print $data; } $this->close(); // Ask devel.module not to print it's footer. $GLOBALS['devel_shutdown'] = FALSE; } else { drupal_not_found(); } // Start buffering and throw away the results so that errors don't get appended to the file. ob_start('_backup_migrate_file_dispose_buffer'); backup_migrate_cleanup(); module_invoke_all('exit'); exit(); } /** * Push a file extension onto the file and return the previous file path. */ function push_type($extension) { $types = _backup_migrate_filetypes(); if ($type = @$types[$extension]) { $this->push_filetype($type); } $out = $this->filepath(); $this->temporary_file(); return $out; } /** * Push a file extension onto the file and return the previous file path. */ function pop_type() { $out = new backup_file(array('filepath' => $this->filepath())); $this->pop_filetype(); $this->temporary_file(); return $out; } /** * Set the current file type. */ function set_filetype($type) { $this->type = $type; $this->ext = array($type['extension']); } /** * Set the current file type. */ function push_filetype($type) { $this->ext[] = $type['extension']; $this->type = $type; } /** * Pop the current file type. */ function pop_filetype() { array_pop($this->ext); $this->detect_filetype_from_extension(); } /** * Set the file info. */ function set_file_info($file_info) { $this->file_info = $file_info; $this->ext = explode('.', @$this->file_info['filename']); // Remove the underscores added to file extensions by Drupal's upload security. foreach ($this->ext as $key => $val) { $this->ext[$key] = trim($val, '_'); } $this->filename(array_shift($this->ext)); $this->detect_filetype_from_extension(); } /** * Get the filetype info of the given file, or false if the file is not a valid type. */ function detect_filetype_from_extension() { $ext = end($this->ext); $this->type = array(); $types = _backup_migrate_filetypes(); foreach ($types as $key => $type) { if (trim($ext, "_0123456789") === $type['extension']) { $this->type = $type; $this->type['id'] = $key; } } } /** * Get a temporary file name with path. */ function temporary_file() { $file = drupal_tempnam('temporary://', 'backup_migrate_'); // Add the version without the extension. The tempnam function creates this for us. backup_migrate_temp_files_add($file); if ($this->extension()) { $file .= '.'. $this->extension(); // Add the version with the extension. This is the one we will actually use. backup_migrate_temp_files_add($file); } $this->path = $file; } }