t("Forum: ID"), // Keyword to use for %substitution. 'keyword' => 'forum', 'description' => t('Creates a forum context from a forum ID argument.'), 'context' => 'advanced_forum_argument_forum_id_context', 'placeholder form' => array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#description' => t('Enter the forum ID of a form for this argument'), ), 'settings form' => 'advanced_forum_forum_id_settings_form', 'breadcrumb' => 'advanced_forum_forum_id_breadcrumb', 'default' => array('breadcrumb' => TRUE), ); /** * Discover if this argument gives us the user we crave. */ function advanced_forum_argument_forum_id_context($arg = NULL, $conf = NULL, $empty = FALSE) { // If unset it wants a generic, unfilled context. if ($empty) { return ctools_context_create_empty('forum'); } if (!is_numeric($arg)) { return NULL; } if ($arg != 0) { $term = taxonomy_term_load($arg); } if ($arg == 0 || empty($term) || $term->vid != variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', 0)) { $term = taxonomy_vocabulary_load(variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', 0)); $term->tid = 0; } if (!$term) { return NULL; } return ctools_context_create('forum', $term); } /** * Settings form for the argument. */ function advanced_forum_forum_id_settings_form(&$form, &$form_state, $conf) { $form['settings']['breadcrumb'] = array( '#title' => t('Inject hierarchy into breadcrumb trail'), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => !empty($conf['breadcrumb']), '#description' => t('If checked, forum parents will appear in the breadcrumb trail.'), ); } /** * Inject the breadcrumb trail if necessary. */ function advanced_forum_forum_id_breadcrumb($conf, $context) { if (empty($conf['breadcrumb'])) { return; } $breadcrumb = array(); if (isset($context->data->parents)) { $parents = array_reverse($context->data->parents); if (!empty($parents)) { foreach ($parents as $p) { if ($p->tid != $context->data->tid) { $breadcrumb[] = l($p->name, 'forum/' . $p->tid); } } } } $breadcrumb = array_merge(drupal_get_breadcrumb(), $breadcrumb); drupal_set_breadcrumb($breadcrumb); }