container. if (!isset($forum_term->tid)) { $forum_term->tid = 0; } _advanced_forum_add_files(); $forum_per_page = variable_get('forum_per_page', 25); $sortby = variable_get('forum_order', 1); if (empty($forum_term->container)) { $topics = advanced_forum_get_topics($forum_term->tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page); } else { $topics = ''; } $vid = variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', 0); $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid); // Breadcrumb navigation: $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Home'), NULL); if ($forum_term->tid) { $breadcrumb[] = l($vocabulary->name, 'forum'); } if ($forum_term->parents) { foreach (array_reverse($forum_term->parents) as $p) { if ($p->tid != $forum_term->tid) { $breadcrumb[] = l($p->name, 'forum/' . $p->tid); } else { $title = $p->name; } } } if (empty($title)) { $title = $vocabulary->name; } if (!variable_get('advanced_forum_disable_breadcrumbs', FALSE)) { drupal_set_breadcrumb($breadcrumb); } drupal_set_title($title); return theme('forums', array( 'forums' => $forum_term->forums, 'topics' => $topics, 'parents' => $forum_term->parents, 'tid' => $forum_term->tid, 'sortby' => $sortby, 'forums_per_page' => $forum_per_page, )); } /** * Returns a tree of all forums for a given taxonomy term ID. * * This is copied from the forum module and adapted. * * @param int|null $tid * (optional) Taxonomy ID of the forum, if not givin all forums will be returned. * * @return object * A tree of taxonomy objects, with the following additional properties: * - 'num_topics': Number of topics in the forum * - 'num_posts': Total number of posts in all topics * - 'last_post': Most recent post for the forum * - 'forums': An array of child forums */ function advanced_forum_forum_load($tid = NULL) { $cache = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); global $language; // Return a cached forum tree if available. if (empty($tid)) { $tid = 0; } if (isset($cache[$tid])) { return $cache[$tid]; } // Find out from the style's .info how many posts per forum to collect. $info = advanced_forum_style_info(); $post_count = isset($info['forum list post count']) ? intval($info['forum list post count']) : 1; $vid = variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', 0); // Load and validate the parent term. if ($tid) { $forum_term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); if (module_exists('i18n_taxonomy')) { $forum_term = i18n_taxonomy_localize_terms($forum_term); } if (!$forum_term || ($forum_term->vid != $vid)) { return $cache[$tid] = FALSE; } } // If $tid is 0, create an empty object to hold the child terms. elseif ($tid === 0) { $forum_term = (object) array( 'tid' => 0, ); } // Determine if the requested term is a container. if (!$forum_term->tid || in_array($forum_term->tid, variable_get('forum_containers', array()))) { $forum_term->container = 1; } // Load parent terms. $forum_term->parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($forum_term->tid); // Load the tree below. $forums = array(); $_forums = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $tid); if (module_exists('i18n_taxonomy')) { $_forums = i18n_taxonomy_localize_terms($_forums); } if ($cached = cache_get('adv_forum_counts' . $tid . ':' . $language->language, 'cache')) { if ($cached->expire > time()) { $counts = $cached->data; } } if (count($_forums) && empty($counts)) { $query = db_select('node', 'n'); $query->join('node_comment_statistics', 'ncs', 'n.nid = ncs.nid'); $query->join('forum_index', 'f', 'n.nid = f.nid'); $query->addExpression('COUNT(DISTINCT(f.nid))', 'topic_count'); $query->addExpression('SUM(f.comment_count)', 'comment_count'); $counts = $query ->fields('f', array('tid')) ->condition('status', 1) ->groupBy('tid') ->addTag('node_access') ->execute() ->fetchAllAssoc('tid'); // Limit the query to only node types that can actually be associated with // the forum vocabulary. if ($vid) { $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid); $vocabulary_fields = field_read_fields(array('module' => 'taxonomy')); $node_types = array(); foreach ($vocabulary_fields as $field_name => $vocabulary_field) { foreach ($vocabulary_field['settings']['allowed_values'] as $key => $allowed_value) { if ($allowed_value['vocabulary'] == $vocabulary->machine_name) { $field_info = field_info_field($field_name); if (isset($field_info['bundles']['node'])) { $node_types += $field_info['bundles']['node']; } } } } if (!empty($node_types)) { $query->condition('type', $node_types, 'IN'); } } cache_set('adv_forum_counts' . $tid, $counts, 'cache', time() + 60*60); } // Get last nodes with comments for subquery SELECT optimization. $subquery = db_select('node_comment_statistics', 'lnsc') ->fields('lnsc', array('nid')) ->distinct() ->orderBy('last_comment_timestamp', 'DESC') ->range(0, variable_get('advanced_forum_last_post_query', 10000)); // Should be moved to options or additionally calculated elsewhere. foreach ($_forums as $forum) { // Determine if the child term is a container. if (in_array($forum->tid, variable_get('forum_containers', array()))) { $forum->container = 1; } // Merge in the topic and post counters. if (!empty($counts[$forum->tid])) { $forum->num_topics = $counts[$forum->tid]->topic_count; $forum->num_posts = $counts[$forum->tid]->topic_count + $counts[$forum->tid]->comment_count; } else { $forum->num_topics = 0; $forum->num_posts = 0; } // Query "Last Post" information for this forum. $query = db_select('node', 'n'); $query->join($subquery, 'lastnodes', 'n.nid = lastnodes.nid'); $query->join('forum_index', 'f', 'n.nid = f.nid AND f.tid = :tid', array(':tid' => $forum->tid)); $query->join('node_comment_statistics', 'ncs', 'n.nid = ncs.nid'); $query->join('users', 'u', 'ncs.last_comment_uid = u.uid'); $query->addExpression('CASE ncs.last_comment_uid WHEN 0 THEN ncs.last_comment_name ELSE END', 'last_comment_name'); $topics = $query ->fields('ncs', array('last_comment_timestamp', 'last_comment_uid')) ->fields('n', array('nid', 'title', 'type')) ->condition('n.status', 1) ->orderBy('last_comment_timestamp', 'DESC') ->range(0, $post_count) ->addTag('node_access') ->execute(); while ($topic = $topics->fetchObject()) { // Merge in the "Last Post" information. $last_post = new stdClass(); if (!empty($topic->last_comment_timestamp)) { $last_post->nid = $topic->nid; $last_post->node_title = $topic->title; $last_post->type = $topic->type; $last_post->created = $topic->last_comment_timestamp; $last_post->name = $topic->last_comment_name; $last_post->uid = $topic->last_comment_uid; } if ($post_count > 1) { $forum->last_post[] = $last_post; } else { $forum->last_post = $last_post; } } $forums[$forum->tid] = $forum; } // Cache the result, and return the tree. $forum_term->forums = $forums; $cache[$tid] = $forum_term; return $forum_term; } /** * Update parent post count. */ function _advanced_forum_update_parent_post_count(&$forums, $forum) { foreach ($forum->parents as $parent_tid) { if (!empty($forums[$parent_tid])) { $forums[$parent_tid]->num_topics += $forum->num_topics; $forums[$parent_tid]->num_posts += $forum->num_posts; // Recursive loop to update all parents/ if (!empty($forums[$parent_tid]->parents)) { _advanced_forum_update_parent_post_count($forums, $forums[$parent_tid]); } } } } /** * This is copied from the forum module and adapted. */ function advanced_forum_get_topics($tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page, $sort_form = TRUE) { $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); drupal_add_feed('taxonomy/term/' . $tid . '/feed', 'RSS - ' . check_plain($term->name)); // Views handles this page. $view = views_get_view('advanced_forum_topic_list'); $view->set_items_per_page($forum_per_page); $view->sort_form = $sort_form; return $view->preview('default', array($tid)); }