<?php class CacheTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase { protected $default_bin = 'cache'; protected $default_cid = 'test_temporary'; protected $default_value = 'CacheTest'; /** * Check whether or not a cache entry exists. * * @param $cid * The cache id. * @param $var * The variable the cache should contain. * @param $bin * The bin the cache item was stored in. * @return * TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail. */ protected function checkCacheExists($cid, $var, $bin = NULL) { if ($bin == NULL) { $bin = $this->default_bin; } $cache = cache_get($cid, $bin); return isset($cache->data) && $cache->data == $var; } /** * Assert or a cache entry exists. * * @param $message * Message to display. * @param $var * The variable the cache should contain. * @param $cid * The cache id. * @param $bin * The bin the cache item was stored in. */ protected function assertCacheExists($message, $var = NULL, $cid = NULL, $bin = NULL) { if ($bin == NULL) { $bin = $this->default_bin; } if ($cid == NULL) { $cid = $this->default_cid; } if ($var == NULL) { $var = $this->default_value; } $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists($cid, $var, $bin), $message); } /** * Assert or a cache entry has been removed. * * @param $message * Message to display. * @param $cid * The cache id. * @param $bin * The bin the cache item was stored in. */ function assertCacheRemoved($message, $cid = NULL, $bin = NULL) { if ($bin == NULL) { $bin = $this->default_bin; } if ($cid == NULL) { $cid = $this->default_cid; } $cache = cache_get($cid, $bin); $this->assertFalse($cache, $message); } /** * Perform the general wipe. * @param $bin * The bin to perform the wipe on. */ protected function generalWipe($bin = NULL) { if ($bin == NULL) { $bin = $this->default_bin; } cache_clear_all(NULL, $bin); } /** * Setup the lifetime settings for caching. * * @param $time * The time in seconds the cache should minimal live. */ protected function setupLifetime($time) { variable_set('cache_lifetime', $time); variable_set('cache_flush', 0); } } class CacheSavingCase extends CacheTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Cache saving test', 'description' => 'Check our variables are saved and restored the right way.', 'group' => 'Cache' ); } /** * Test the saving and restoring of a string. */ function testString() { $this->checkVariable($this->randomName(100)); } /** * Test the saving and restoring of an integer. */ function testInteger() { $this->checkVariable(100); } /** * Test the saving and restoring of a double. */ function testDouble() { $this->checkVariable(1.29); } /** * Test the saving and restoring of an array. */ function testArray() { $this->checkVariable(array('drupal1', 'drupal2' => 'drupal3', 'drupal4' => array('drupal5', 'drupal6'))); } /** * Test the saving and restoring of an object. */ function testObject() { $test_object = new stdClass(); $test_object->test1 = $this->randomName(100); $test_object->test2 = 100; $test_object->test3 = array('drupal1', 'drupal2' => 'drupal3', 'drupal4' => array('drupal5', 'drupal6')); cache_set('test_object', $test_object, 'cache'); $cache = cache_get('test_object', 'cache'); $this->assertTrue(isset($cache->data) && $cache->data == $test_object, t('Object is saved and restored properly.')); } /** * Check or a variable is stored and restored properly. */ function checkVariable($var) { cache_set('test_var', $var, 'cache'); $cache = cache_get('test_var', 'cache'); $this->assertTrue(isset($cache->data) && $cache->data === $var, t('@type is saved and restored properly.', array('@type' => ucfirst(gettype($var))))); } /** * Test no empty cids are written in cache table. */ function testNoEmptyCids() { $this->drupalGet('user/register'); $this->assertFalse(cache_get(''), t('No cache entry is written with an empty cid.')); } } /** * Test cache_get_multiple(). */ class CacheGetMultipleUnitTest extends CacheTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Fetching multiple cache items', 'description' => 'Confirm that multiple records are fetched correctly.', 'group' => 'Cache', ); } function setUp() { $this->default_bin = 'cache_page'; parent::setUp(); } /** * Test cache_get_multiple(). */ function testCacheMultiple() { $item1 = $this->randomName(10); $item2 = $this->randomName(10); cache_set('item1', $item1, $this->default_bin); cache_set('item2', $item2, $this->default_bin); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('item1', $item1), t('Item 1 is cached.')); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('item2', $item2), t('Item 2 is cached.')); // Fetch both records from the database with cache_get_multiple(). $item_ids = array('item1', 'item2'); $items = cache_get_multiple($item_ids, $this->default_bin); $this->assertEqual($items['item1']->data, $item1, t('Item was returned from cache successfully.')); $this->assertEqual($items['item2']->data, $item2, t('Item was returned from cache successfully.')); // Remove one item from the cache. cache_clear_all('item2', $this->default_bin); // Confirm that only one item is returned by cache_get_multiple(). $item_ids = array('item1', 'item2'); $items = cache_get_multiple($item_ids, $this->default_bin); $this->assertEqual($items['item1']->data, $item1, t('Item was returned from cache successfully.')); $this->assertFalse(isset($items['item2']), t('Item was not returned from the cache.')); $this->assertTrue(count($items) == 1, t('Only valid cache entries returned.')); } } /** * Test cache clearing methods. */ class CacheClearCase extends CacheTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Cache clear test', 'description' => 'Check our clearing is done the proper way.', 'group' => 'Cache' ); } function setUp() { $this->default_bin = 'cache_page'; $this->default_value = $this->randomName(10); parent::setUp(); } /** * Test clearing using a cid. */ function testClearCid() { cache_set('test_cid_clear', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); $this->assertCacheExists(t('Cache was set for clearing cid.'), $this->default_value, 'test_cid_clear'); cache_clear_all('test_cid_clear', $this->default_bin); $this->assertCacheRemoved(t('Cache was removed after clearing cid.'), 'test_cid_clear'); cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches were created for checking cid "*" with wildcard false.')); cache_clear_all('*', $this->default_bin); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches still exists after clearing cid "*" with wildcard false.')); } /** * Test clearing using wildcard. */ function testClearWildcard() { cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches were created for checking cid "*" with wildcard true.')); cache_clear_all('*', $this->default_bin, TRUE); $this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) || $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches removed after clearing cid "*" with wildcard true.')); cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches were created for checking cid substring with wildcard true.')); cache_clear_all('test_', $this->default_bin, TRUE); $this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) || $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches removed after clearing cid substring with wildcard true.')); } /** * Test clearing using an array. */ function testClearArray() { // Create three cache entries. cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); cache_set('test_cid_clear3', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value) && $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $this->default_value), t('Three cache entries were created.')); // Clear two entries using an array. cache_clear_all(array('test_cid_clear1', 'test_cid_clear2'), $this->default_bin); $this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) || $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two cache entries removed after clearing with an array.')); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $this->default_value), t('Entry was not cleared from the cache')); // Set the cache clear threshold to 2 to confirm that the full bin is cleared // when the threshold is exceeded. variable_set('cache_clear_threshold', 2); cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); $this->assertTrue($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two cache entries were created.')); cache_clear_all(array('test_cid_clear1', 'test_cid_clear2', 'test_cid_clear3'), $this->default_bin); $this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) || $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value) || $this->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear3', $this->default_value), t('All cache entries removed when the array exceeded the cache clear threshold.')); } /** * Test drupal_flush_all_caches(). */ function testFlushAllCaches() { // Create cache entries for each flushed cache bin. $bins = array('cache', 'cache_filter', 'cache_page', 'cache_boostrap', 'cache_path'); $bins = array_merge(module_invoke_all('flush_caches'), $bins); foreach ($bins as $id => $bin) { $id = 'test_cid_clear' . $id; cache_set($id, $this->default_value, $bin); } // Remove all caches then make sure that they are cleared. drupal_flush_all_caches(); foreach ($bins as $id => $bin) { $id = 'test_cid_clear' . $id; $this->assertFalse($this->checkCacheExists($id, $this->default_value, $bin), t('All cache entries removed from @bin.', array('@bin' => $bin))); } } /** * Test minimum cache lifetime. */ function testMinimumCacheLifetime() { // Set a minimum/maximum cache lifetime. $this->setupLifetime(300); // Login as a newly-created user. $account = $this->drupalCreateUser(array()); $this->drupalLogin($account); // Set two cache objects in different bins. $data = $this->randomName(100); cache_set($data, $data, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY); $cached = cache_get($data); $this->assertTrue(isset($cached->data) && $cached->data === $data, 'Cached item retrieved.'); cache_set($data, $data, 'cache_page', CACHE_TEMPORARY); // Expire temporary items in the 'page' bin. cache_clear_all(NULL, 'cache_page'); // Since the database cache uses REQUEST_TIME, set the $_SESSION variable // manually to force it to the current time. $_SESSION['cache_expiration']['cache_page'] = time(); // Items in the default cache bin should not be expired. $cached = cache_get($data); $this->assertTrue(isset($cached->data) && $cached->data == $data, 'Cached item retrieved'); // Despite the minimum cache lifetime, the item in the 'page' bin should // be invalidated for the current user. $cached = cache_get($data, 'cache_page'); $this->assertFalse($cached, 'Cached item was invalidated'); } } /** * Test cache_is_empty() function. */ class CacheIsEmptyCase extends CacheTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Cache emptiness test', 'description' => 'Check if a cache bin is empty after performing clear operations.', 'group' => 'Cache' ); } function setUp() { $this->default_bin = 'cache_page'; $this->default_value = $this->randomName(10); parent::setUp(); } /** * Test clearing using a cid. */ function testIsEmpty() { // Clear the cache bin. cache_clear_all('*', $this->default_bin); $this->assertTrue(cache_is_empty($this->default_bin), t('The cache bin is empty')); // Add some data to the cache bin. cache_set($this->default_cid, $this->default_value, $this->default_bin); $this->assertCacheExists(t('Cache was set.'), $this->default_value, $this->default_cid); $this->assertFalse(cache_is_empty($this->default_bin), t('The cache bin is not empty')); // Remove the cached data. cache_clear_all($this->default_cid, $this->default_bin); $this->assertCacheRemoved(t('Cache was removed.'), $this->default_cid); $this->assertTrue(cache_is_empty($this->default_bin), t('The cache bin is empty')); } }